|| A Multidimensional Model

Over the course of 30+ years of extensive study and research, and partnering with our clients to produce breakthrough results, we have discovered and developed a unique Multidimensional Model for Organisational Evolution™.

The interventions and applications designed from this model transform areas of an organisation critical to its overall performance – simultaneously. This simultaneous transformation evolves the organisation rapidly and produce out-of-the-ordinary business results as a matter of course.

Our interventions are customised for each organization. The design of each intervention includes:

  • A well-coordinated, precise approach: Just as is required for a safe and flawless landing of an airplane.
  • Applications to address critical areas of the organisation which must be transformed simultaneously to evolve for a Culture of Alignment, Exceptional Performance and achieve Exceptional Results.
  • Applications necessary for Continuous Evolution, minimise the impact of disruptions and gain Market Leadership.

|| Areas of Expertise

Our proven expertise in several Critical Areas of Organisation gives us a very special edge:

  • Business and Organisational Alignment
  • High Performance Culture
  • Leadership Development
  • Productivity and Throughput
  • Time to Market Breakthrough
  • Technology Implementation
  • Management – Workforce Relationship
  • Family Business Council Alignment

|| A Shift away from the Everyday-Ordinary™

Our clients produce results far from what their history and best case predictions say are possible.

We provide a powerful access to exceptional performance in our client organisation that creates a shift away from the trend.

We have partnered with over 50 organisations over the last 14 years to consistently cause exceptional business results with velocity.

 Everyday-Ordinary™ (trend)

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Ready for Evolution?

You may know the area or areas of organisation where you need a significant enhancement in performance and productivity. Or you may not fully be clear. You can have a conversation with one of our Consultants and they will work with you to identify what needs to be addressed and what is possible.

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About Us

A boutique consulting firm facilitating entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses to evolve rapidly and build out-of-the-ordinary careers and businesses.

Learn About Anantkaar


One-on-One or small group coaching to get grounded, gain un-common knowledge and access original thinking to build exceptional careers and a fulfilling life.

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For Entreprnuers, Career Professionals and Teams to gain true Autonomy, Exceptional Performance, Out-of-the-Ordinary accomplishments, and gain Leadership in business, career and life.
